Long time, no posts

Real life, that horrible beast that murders time and motivation in equal measure, has interfered over the past few months and meant that I have had little time to do anything of note. I’ve noticed that I haven’t published a post in months, so I thought that I would update you all on what’s been going on.


Firstly, Age of Sigmar has died a death in local gaming circles. I personally think it’s a shame that it has because it is a good system that plays well but the trouncing of the background was a step too far for most.

I have had a successful few months clearing my pile of unwanted and unused models. These funds have gone towards funding my new obsessions. Mantic did a promo on Dreadball Xtreme on their website back in October which I took advantage of to pick up the box game at half price. Great bargain and another fantastic game. This is a fast paced, brutal sports game in the vein of Blood Bowl but set in Mantic’s Warpath universe. The game mechanics are by Jake Thornton who did Deadzone for Mantic. I plan on doing a proper review at a later date. So far I’ve had two games and a 1-1 win/loss ratio.

My other obsession is X Wing. Pretty current 🙂 When this first arrived on the scene in 2012/13 I wasn’t that enamoured of it. The lack of depth in the available expansions and the prepainted ships didn’t grab me. But over the past two years the game has grown steadily and has a lot of flexibility now. The addition of the huge ships like the Imperial Raider and CR90 Corvette also drew me in.

I’ve played a few games of this as well and really enjoyed it. Again, I’ll do a fuller review later on but recommend it highly again. I also bought the starter for FFG’s Armada, the capital ship Star Wars game but have yet to play this.

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